• <Financial Services
  • Financial Services
  • Consumer Protection
  • Financial Services
  • Financial Services


There is only one person responsible for your money and it is you. It is important to know what is right and when/how it is right


Knowing your rights is the only path to deciding whether you will do it yourself or delegate some responsibilities to an advisor

Right Advisor

If you choose to use an advisor, you must be able to choose the right one. Advisor Right is the only process that rates advisor...


Rating an advisor is not enough. He has to be a match. Our process dynamically matches the advisor to you based on your needs


Financial planning can be complex. It can be hard to determine the rights solutions. Our tools, template and libraries will change this


Protecting consumers is our main goal. We offer an audit process to our members if they have doubts about a financial solution shown to them


DIY Financial Planning

Do it yourself financial planning is the only path to financial security. We are deconstructing and reconstructing financial planning to make it ethical, relevant, accessible, current and dynamic by putting the ownership of financial planning back in the hands of consumers. There is only one person qualified to make financial decisions and the right person is you!!!

Listen to what is DIY Financial Planning!

Consumer Advocate

Interview with Richard Proteau Founder of FSCA about the role of FSCA.

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Discover the true value of life


The winner of the 2016 Financial Quackery
Award is...


What is a MGA?
Life Insurance Distribution


The Simple Truth: How to buy insurance? A comparative review of how to buy insurance.


The Simple Truth: Who is selling insurance? Agents - Brokers - Advisors?


Insurance industry


See our review and rating of life insurance companies


See our review and rating of mortgage/bank companies


See our review and rating of mutual funds/investment companies


See our review and rating of News/Info and Shopping web sites


Recent News

In the USA and Canada, insurance companies cash in and make tremendous profits on more than $120 billion of life insurance coverage surrender.This is because policyowners are unaware of the FMV of their policy prior surrendering and this FMV is usually higher than the Cash Surrender Value of the policy. Please don’t give your money away to insurance companies. They make enough profit. Check the FMV of your life policy with this free online calculator…
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